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Monthly Savings Plan Calculator


  • The above information and calculation results are for reference only. The actual interest rate will be subject to the prevailing rate on the day of execution. For details of the calculation formula, please contact the Bank’s staff.

RMB Conversion Limitation Risk:

  • RMB investments are subject to exchange rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of RMB may result in losses in the event that the customer converts RMB into HKD or other foreign currencies.
  • (Only applicable to Individual Customers) RMB is currently not fully freely convertible. Individual customers can be offered CNH rate to conduct conversion of RMB through bank accounts and may occasionally not be able to do so fully or immediately, for which it is subject to the RMB position of the banks and their commercial decisions at that moment. Customers should consider and understand the possible impact on their liquidity of RMB funds in advance.
  • (Only applicable to Corporate Customers) RMB is currently not fully freely convertible. Corporate customers that intend to conduct conversion of RMB through banks may occasionally not be able to do so fully or immediately, for which it is subject to the RMB position of the banks and their commercial decisions at that moment. Customers should consider and understand the possible impact on their liquidity of RMB funds in advance.
  • Monthly Savings Plan Calculator has been designed to be a financial planning tool which cannot substitute professional financial advice. Since individual needs or special situations cannot be incorporated into the design of this tool. Customers should not rely wholly on the results generated by this tool and if the customers are in any doubt as to their financial situations or needs, they should seek professional financial advice. The investment products displayed in this tool are for information only and the relevant reference materials do not constitute a recommendation, an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any investment product. Past performance figures shown are not indicative of future performance. Investment involves risks. Customers should read carefully the relevant offering documents and risk disclosures of the relevant products for details.
  • Foreign currency investments are subject to exchange rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of foreign currency may result in losses in the event that the customer converts the foreign currency into HKD or other foreign currencies.
  • Investments in Investment Funds involve risks. Certain mutual funds and unit trusts (“Investment Funds”) are structured products involving derivatives. The price movement of Investment Funds may be volatile. It may go up as well as down, and may even become valueless. Therefore, customers may not receive any return from the investment in Investment Funds, or may sustain losses in the investment. Customers may not be able to liquidate their investment immediately under certain market conditions. Before making any investment decisions, customers should seek independent financial advice.
  • The prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities.
  • The above risk disclosure cannot disclose all the risks involved. Before entering into any transaction or investment, customers should also carefully consider whether the trading or the investment is suitable for customers having regard to their own financial situations, investment objectives and experiences, risk acceptance and ability to understand the nature and risks of the relevant product. If customers are in doubt or do not understand any of the above risk disclosures or the nature and risks involved in any transaction or investment, customers should seek independent professional advice.
  • The investment decision is made by the customers but customers should not invest in any investment product unless the intermediary who sells such investment product to customers has explained to the customers that such product is suitable for customers having regard to the customers’ financial situations, investment experiences and investment objectives. Investments involve risks (include investment in RMB), customers should read carefully the relevant offering documents and risk disclosures of the relevant products for details.
  • The information contained in this website is provided for reference only and does not constitute any offer, solicitation, recommendation, comment or any guarantee to the purchase or sale of any investment product or service. Customers should seek advice from an independent financial adviser before making any investment, financial decision or purchasing any product.